Trademark Registration
The Law Offices of Karen J. Bernstein, LLC offers trademark search and application work on a flat-fee basis. Our Trademark Clearance Search and Registration Services are highly competitive and offer three tiers of service.
- A Free Introductory Consultation with an experienced trademark lawyer
- Draft and File your trademark application papers
- Report on the status of your trademark application
- Respond up to two times to minor communications from the Trademark Office known as Office Actions
Everything in Level I, plus
- An exact hit search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office database by an experienced trademark lawyer
- Consultation with an experienced trademark attorney to go over the results of the exact hit search and to discuss next steps
Everything in Level I, plus:
- A thorough trademark search report conducted by a top trademark search company of the federal, state, common law, domain names, and Internet databases
- A full attorney opinion letter advising on the likelihood of whether the proposed mark can be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office
* The fees quoted above are per International Class and do not include the government filing fee of either $275 or $325 per International Class.
* Intent to Use applications come with some additional fees and costs.
Please contact The Law Offices of Karen J. Bernstein, LLC today to order these services.